Cortical Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors Contribute to Habituation of a Simple Odor-Evoked Behavior

Defining the circuits that are involved in production and cessation of specific behaviors is an ultimate goal of neuroscience. Short-term behavioral habituation is the response decrement observed in many behaviors that occurs during repeated presentation of non-reinforced stimuli. Within a number of invertebrate models of short-term behavioral habituation, depression of a defined synapse has been implicated as the mechanism. However, the synaptic mechanisms of short-term behavioral habituation have not been identified within mammals. We have shown previously that a presynaptic metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR)-dependent depression of synapses formed by olfactory bulb afferents to the piriform (olfactory) cortex significantly contributes to adaptation of cortical odor responses. Here we show that blockade of mGluRs within the olfactory cortex of awake, behaving rats diminishes habituation of a simple odor-induced behavior, strongly implicating a central mechanism for sensory gating in olfaction.