Binding and complementary expression patterns of semaphorin 3E and plexin D1 in the mature neocortices of mice and monkeys

Although axon guidance molecules play critical roles in neural circuit formation during development, their roles in the adult circuit are not well understood. In this study we examined the expression patterns of Semaphorin 3E (Sema3E), a member of the semaphorin family, in the mature neocortices of monkeys and mice by in situ hybridization (ISH). We found that Sema3E mRNA is highly specific to layer VI throughout the macaque monkey neocortex. We further examined the ratio of Sema3E+ cells among the layer VI excitatory neurons in areas M1, S1, TE, and V1 by fluorescence double ISH, using the vesicular glutamate transporter 1 (VGluT1) gene as a specific marker for excitatory neurons. Among these areas, 34–63% of the VGluT1+ neurons expressed Sema3E mRNA. In the mouse cortex, two significant differences were observed in the pattern of Sema3E mRNA distribution. 1) Sema3E mRNA was expressed in layer Vb, in addition to layer VI in mice. 2) A subset of GABAergic interneurons expressed Sema3E mRNA in mice. By an in vitro binding experiment, we provide evidence that Plexin D1 is the specific receptor for Sema3E. Plexin D1 mRNA was preferentially expressed in layers II–V in both monkey and mouse cortices. The detailed lamina analysis by double ISH, however, revealed that Plexin D1 mRNA is expressed in layers II–Va, but not in layer Vb in the mouse cortex. Thus, the Plexin D1 and Sema3E mRNAs exhibit conserved complementary lamina patterns in mice and monkeys, despite the species differences in the pattern of each gene. J. Comp. Neurol. 499:258–273, 2006.