‘Grasslands Kara’ is a 19-parent synthetic. It was bred from hybrids made by the late Dr P. C. Barclay between ‘Grasslands Apanui’ cocksfoot and 2 Portuguese populations of the diploid subspecies lusitanica that grew vigorously during the winter at Palmerston North. A tetraploid population of the Portuguese lines was made in 1962 by colchicine treatment of seedlings. Thirty tetraploid plants were pair-crossed to Apanui in 1965, and the hybrid progeny evaluated as spaced plants, especially for greater seasonal spread of growth. The most promising genotypes were back-crossed to Apanui and selected in the field for rust resistance, yield, and improved amount and uniformity of flowering. The resulting 72 genotypes were progeny-tested during 1972—75, and 19 of them were retained. These were then cloned and inter-pollinated and the seed was used for sward trials under the code name ‘G16’. G16 was approved for certification by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries in 1980, and was then re-named ‘Grasslands Kara’. Grasslands Division maintains the parent plants at Palmerston North, to provide nucleus seed.

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