Anomalous Temperature Dependence of Low-Enercy-Electron Transmission Spectra of Thin Films of Tetrakis(Nonylthi 0)-Tetrathiaful Valene (TTC 9 -TTF)

Temperature dependence of low-energy-electron transmission spectra was measured for thin films of a molecular fastener, tetrakis(nonylthio) tetrathiafulvalene. 10 spectral features, which can be ascribed to the structure of the conduction bands, were observed in the energy region of incident electron of 0 - 15 eV. They showed a large temperature dependence of the energy position as well as of the sharpness and the intensity. The energy Positions shifted ∼0.6 eV to high-energy side by cooling from room temperature to -124°C. Such a large energy shift was not observed for other thin films consisting of long-alkyl molecules, and is considered as a result of the molecular fastener effects.

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