Recurrent Spontaneous Seizure State Induced by Prefrontal Kindling in Senegalese Baboons, Papio Papio

SUMMARY: In our earlier study of amygdaloid kindling in Papio papio (Pp), the development of partial complex seizure and of focal motor seizure was correlated with bifrontal theta discharge and increasing Rolandic spike discharge respectively and the final stage was characterized by primary generalized convulsive seizure. Since the latter seizure pattern is known to originate from the frontal focus in man, the frontal cortex became suspect in the development of the final stage seizure pattern. Daily prefrontal stimulation showed that Pp can be kindled from this site, culminating in a recurrent spontaneous seizure state identical to that induced by amygdaloid kindling in this species. However, our observation did not support our original assumption regarding the genesis of primary generalized convulsive seizure. Prefrontal and amygdaloid kindling are significantly different with respect to morphology, distribution and propagation of afterdischarge and interictal spike discharge, and speed and pattern of clinical seizure development. Most intriguingly, inter-ictal behavioral aberration associated with depth EEG changes was observed only in the prefrontal animals and not in the amygdaloid animals.