Vestibular Syndrome and Vascular Anomaly in the Cerebello-Pontine Angle

During the investigation of patients presenting symptoms related to the Vth and VIIth nerves, frequently associated symptoms relevant to the VIIIth nerve were found, such as tinnitus, disequilibrium or vertigo. On the other hand, there also came to our attention patients whose major complaints were of VIIIth origin, especially of the vestibular component, and who occasionally presented associated symptoms of Vth or VIIth nerve involvement. Following the successful treatment of trigeminal neuralgia and hemi-facial spasm by liberation of the Vth and the VIIth nerve from the mechanical irritative lesion, frequently a vascular loop anomaly, it was postulated that the same cause could be responsible of tinnitus and vertigo, secondary to irritation of the VIIIth nerve, in some cases. The clinical picture of VIIIth nerve involvement in the posterior fossa, either isolated or associated with facial pain or hemi-facial spasm, is presented together with the results of surgical treatment in 5 cases.