The classification of tymoviruses by cDNA-RNA hybridization and other measures of relatedness

The relationships of twelve tymoviruses have been assessed by cDNA-RNA hybridization. In addition, the percentage molar nucleotide composition of the genome of the PD strain of Kennedya yellow mosaic virus and the percentage molar amino acid composition of the coat proteins of cacao yellow mosaic, Kennedya yellow mosaic and turnip yellow mosaic (Cardamine strain) viruses were estimated. These as well as published serological comparisons and genome and coat protein composition determinations were used to compute classifications of tymoviruses using various “metrics”, and simple numerical methods were used to compare the classifications. Measures of relatedness estimated from cDNA-RNA hybridization and base ratio data correlated significantly with each other, but were less closely correlated with those calculated from amino acid data, and did not correlate with those calculated from serological tests. The serological relationships correlated significantly with estimates of relatedness calculated from amino acid data, but not with those based on hybridization or base ratio data. The differences between these classifications mostly resulted from the anomalous behaviour of eggplant mosaic virus, its particles are serologically close to those of other tymoviruses that naturally infect species of the tobacco family, whereas in cDNA-RNA hybridization tests eggplant mosaic virus is closest to the tymoviruses that infect legumes. Similar but smaller anomalies in the characteristics of other tymoviruses were also found.