Blood Pressure, Metabolic Variables and Adipose Tissue Distribution in Pre‐And Post‐Menopausal Women

The study was performed on 289 female patients (aged 20-60) of a family doctor in Castel D'Azzano, a small town near Verona. The following variables were considered: body mass index (BMI), tricepital, subscapular, hypomesogastric, epimesogastric, supra-iliacal and epitrochanteric skinfolds, waist, umbilical and bitrochanteric circumferences, cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL-cholesterol, glycemia, uricemia and blood pressure. A significant worsening with age was observed in the mean values of the variables. This worsening was particularly evident in women over 50. The population was subdivided according to presence or absence of menopause; the two groups were then matched for age. None of the variables showed significant differences. Our results did not confirm any of the many effects that menopause is supposed to have regarding metabolic and blood pressure alterations.