Recruitment characteristics of nerve fascicles stimulated by a multigroove electrode

The recruitment characteristics of fascicle-selective nerve stimulation by a multigroove electrode have been investigated both theoretically and in acute experiments. A three-dimensional (3-D) volume conductor model of fascicles in a multigroove device and a model of myelinated nerve fiber stimulation were used to calculate threshold stimuli of nerve fibers in these fascicles. After their exposition, fascicles from rat sciatic nerve were positioned in different grooves of appropriate sizes and stimulated separately. The device appeared to be suitable for fascicle-selective stimulation, because both computer simulations and acute animal experiments showed that crosstalk between neighboring fascicles is not a problem, even when monopolar stimulation was used. The threshold stimulus was lower for a small fascicle than for a large one. When the amount of (conducting) medium between contact and perineurium or its conductivity was reduced, threshold stimuli were lower. Moreover, simulations predict that the slopes of recruitment curves are smaller and inverse recruitment order is less pronounced. Simulations also showed that a small contact is preferable to a large one, because a small contact gives a slightly smaller slope of the recruitment curve. Both experimentally and theoretically a significantly smaller slope of recruitment curves was obtained by stimulation with a cathode and an anode at opposite sides of the fascicle, driven by two current sources giving simultaneous pulses with different, but linearly dependent amplitude

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