Distribution of growth probabilities for off-lattice diffusion-limited aggregation

We study the distribution n(α,M) of growth probabilities {pi} for off-lattice diffusion-limited aggregation (DLA) for cluster sizes up to mass M=20 000, where αi==-pi/logM. We find that for large α, log n(α,M)∝-αγ/logδM, with γ=2±0.3 and δ=1.3±0.3. One consequence of this form is that the minimum growth probability pmin(M) obeys the asymptotic relation logpmin(M)∼-(logM)(γ+1+δ)/γ. We find evidence for the existence of a well-defined crossover value α* such that only the rare configurations of DLA contribute to n(α,M) for α>α*, while both rare and typical DLA configurations contribute for αα*.