Alkaloids of Australian Strychnos species. I. Constituents of S. lucida R.Br. and S. psilosperma F.Muell

From the fruits of Strychnos lucida R.Br, were isolated loganin (1.1 per cent.) which appears to be confined to the pulp, strychnine (0.1 per cent.), brucine (1.3 per cent.), and an unresolved glassy alkaloidal mixture (0.5 per cent.). " Lucidine-S " could not be separated. The leaves of 8. psilosperma F. Muell. contain about 1.1 per cent. total alkaloid from which two new alkaloids, strychnospermine and spermostrychnine, were isolated. Structural formulae for these are suggested on biogenetic grounds. The triterpene alcohol, germanicol, was also isolated from S. psilosperma leaves.

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