Chloroplast translocations induced by light pulses

The effect of single blue-light pulses on chloroplast rearrangement was studied in the leaves of Tradescantia albiflora, Chlorophytum elatum, and Lemna trisulca. For measuring translocations in terrestrial plants the method of transmission changes was used; translocations in the water plant Lemna were studied by direct microscopic observation and counting. Strong light (30 W m-2) applied in the form of short pulses, shorter than a lag period of translocations, induces some transient effects in the following dark period. With short pulses, transient rearrangements of chloroplasts to a weak-light position were found. With longer pulse duration, biphasic responses took place in Tradescantia and Lemna: The initial movement to a partial strong-light position was followed by a wave of translocation to a weak-light arrangement. In Chlorophytum this type of response appeared only in a narrow fluence range. The validity of the reciprocity law in relation to fluence rate and time of irradiation was confirmed for Tradescantia. The results may give us an insight into the kinetics of the primary effects of light in the translocation process.