Relations among reduction factors in Jahn-Teller systems

A group-theoretical method for construction of vibronic wave functions of required symmetry is developed. The method is applied to investigate relations among Ham's reduction factors in Jahn-Teller systems of cubic (or tetrahedral) symmetry. Three special cases are discussed in detail: (i) in the case of linear Jahn-Teller coupling of an E electronic level with many E-type crystal vibrational modes, it is shown, on the basis of a detailed symmetry analysis, that the relation q=(1+p)2 between the reduction factors holds for linear coupling to a single mode pair (in agreement with Ham's result) but not in general otherwise; a detailed symmetry analysis made for this system allows dynamic effects to be disentangled from effects of symmetry; (ii) for Jahn-Teller coupling of a T electronic level with many E vibrational modes, it is found that the relations among the reduction factors, as given by Ham for linear Jahn-Teller coupling, are valid under general vibronic coupling; (iii) in the case of coupling of a T electronic level with a single vibrational mode triplet of T2 symmetry, the relation K(E)=13[K(T2)K(T1)]2 is shown to be valid in the weak-coupling regime for vibronic states correct to fourth order in the vibronic coupling constant but not for vibronic states correct to fifth order.

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