The presence of blood group and lymphocyte antigens on porcine granulocytes

Suspensions of highly viable (< 95%) granulocytes minimally contaminated by other cell types were isolated from pig peripheral blood by a single centrifugation with low MW dextran and after preferential erythrocyte lysis by hypotonic shock. A complement-dependent cytotoxic test showed the presence of antigens of the SLA major histocompatibility complex, the SLB leukocyte system and the A and E blood group systems on the granulocytes. Some SLA typing reagents against class I (SD) antigens did not react with granulocytes or yielded dubious reactions. Apparently the reactivity of SLA sera resembles human HLA sera reactivity. Apparently compatibility in the SLA, SLB, A and E systems must be taken into account when preparing alloimmune sera for the determination of granulocyte-specific antigens of pigs.