Unfractionated preparations of ox-liver sulfatase are activated both by chloride and sulfate ions. Sulfatase A is activated by sulfate ions on the alkaline side of the pH optimum owing to a shift of the position of the pH optimum in the presence of sulfate ions. A slight inhibition of sulfatase A is brought about by chloride ions above the pH optimum. Sulfatase B is activated by chloride ions on the acid side of the pH optimum. Effects of various other anions on sulfatases A and B are given. Sulfatases A and B are not influenced by Na and K ions; Mg ions are without action on sulfatase B, but activate sulfatase A to a small extent. Sulfatase A is shown to be an SH enzyme. In the case of sulfatase B the evidence is conflicting. The significance of the influence of ions on sulfatases is discussed in relation to the possible activity of these enzymes in vivo.