Pure Strain Mice Born to Hybrid Mothers Following Ovarian Transplantation

A method is described for determining multiple gene differences in maternal environment through the use of ovarian transplantation. This method provides approx. 40% successful grafts and allows for the study, in a comparison of a pure and hybrid strain at least, of more offspring than can readily be obtained by the transference of fertilized ova from one strain to another. Offspring were obtained from pure strain ovaries transplanted to hybrid [female][female]. 6 different host-donor combinations, involving a total of 3 inbred strains and 6 hybrids, were tried and all were successful. In many cases a successful graft was accompanied by a regenerated hybrid host ovary. Various mating plans were used. Several mating plans were devised using strains with suitable marker genes in such a way that is possible to determine the origin of all the offspring by their phenotype.