Factors on graft survival of living donor kidney transplantation in a single center

We analyzed the potential factors that could influence the survival of graft, focused on primary graft living‐donor kidney transplantation with cyclosporine (CSA) therapy. 680 cases were enrolled in this study. Patients and graft survival rates were calculated by a Kaplan‐Meier product limit estimate with a 1‐day time interval. The analyzed variables were donor relationship, HLA matching, recipient age and sex, donor age and sex, ABO blood type compatibility, diabetic status, hepatitis virus infection, donor specific or non‐specific blood transfusion and acute rejection episode. The results suggested that acute rejection episode was the worst prognostic factor in graft survival. An HLA‐matched donor and a young male donor, i.e. a greater donor nephron mass for less recipient body mass, will show better long‐term survival. Diabetes and hepatitis B infection have some negative effects on the long‐term survival of graft kidney, but age of recipient, donor‐specific transfusion and donor‐recipient relationship have little effect.