DNA Biochip Using a Phototransistor Integrated Circuit

This work describes the development of an integrated biosensor based on phototransistor integrated circuits (IC) for use in medical detection, DNA diagnostics, and gene mapping. The evaluation of various system components developed for an integrated biosensor microchip is discussed. Methods to develop a microarray of DNA probes on nitrocellulose substrate are discussed. The biochip device has sensors, amplifiers, discriminators, and logic circuitry on board. Integration of light-emitting diodes into the device is also possible. To achieve improved sensitivity, we have designed an IC system having each phototransistor sensing element composed of 220 phototransistor cells connected in parallel. Measurements of fluorescent-labeled DNA probe microarrays and hybridization experiments with a sequence-specific DNA probe for the human immunodeficiency virus 1 system on nitrocellulose substrates illustrate the usefulness and potential of the DNA biochip.