A simplified intensity modulated radiation therapy technique for the breast

A simplified intensity modulated radiation therapy (sIMRT) technique for the breast is presented. The technique aims to produce a uniform dose distribution in the entire breast volume. Using the standard tangential beam arrangement, we first determine for each pencil beam the midpoint of the segment that intersects the treatment volume. The dose to the midpoint from the open field is then calculated. The intensity of the pencil beam is determined as proportional to the inverse of the open field dose. With this intensity modulated beam, the dose delivered to the midpoint of each pencil beam segment that intersects the treatment volume is now equalized. The dose distribution in the entire treatment volume is nearly as uniform as can be achieved under the given beam arrangement. Fifteen left breast patients were planned with the sIMRT technique. For comparison, the same group of patients was also planned with the standard wedged pair technique and the full‐fledged volume‐based IMRT (vIMRT) technique. Both the sIMRT and the vIMRT techniques achieved more homogeneous dose in the treatment volume than the standard plan. Doses to the heart, the ipsilateral lung, and the contralateral breast were also reduced. The planning time and the treatment time for the sIMRT technique were comparable to that of the standard technique, and significantly less than that required by the vIMRT technique. The sIMRT technique is practical for large‐scale implementation in a busy clinic without requiring significant increase of resources.