Between 1976 and 1983, 251 patients underwent surgery for the treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease. Anterior microsurgical discectomy at one or more cervical segments without interbody fusion was performed in each case. 109 patients with radiculopathy and 55 patients with myelopathy were followed up clinically 1 to 8 years postoperatively. A soft disc lesion was found in 72, a hard disc lesion in 92 patients. Of all radicular symptoms and signs, brachialgia and motor deficits of the upper extremities showed the highest improvement rates. The medullary complaints were improved in 80%, the progression of the disease was arrested in 93% of myelopathic cases. An excellent or good long-term result was achieved in 82% of patients with radiculopathy and 55% of those with myelopathy. The outcome was best in cases with soft disc lesions, with monosegmental disease, in individuals under 50 years of age, and in patients with a sudden onset and a short duration of symptoms. These results are comparable with those obtained by other surgical methods.