Surgical strategy in primary retroperitoneal tumours

Sixty-nine patients with primary retroperitoneal tumours (17 benign, 52 malignant including 4 malignant tumours of uncertain origin) were reviewed to determine the best form of surgical strategy. Total resection was performed in 88 per cent of benign cases and in 65 per cent of malignant cases. In 62 per cent of the total resections for malignant tumours, en bloc excision included adjacent organs or anatomical structures. Operative mortality rate (in terms of the total number of operations performed) was 5 per cent. Postoperative complications occurred in 14 per cent and recurrences in 35 percent. The overall 5-year survival rate was 67 per cent in patients with totally resected tumours and zero in patients whose tumours were treated by partial resection or biopsy. An aggressive surgical approach aimed at total excision of the tumour is the best form of therapy currently available. In the totally resected retroperitoneal tumour, the use of adjuvant radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy depends on the grade of the malignancy and clearance as assessed histologically. Careful follow-up based on the use of computerized axial tomography and ultrasound allows early identification of recurrence at a stage when the recurrence is amenable to total resection.