Physician, Heal Thyself?

APPROXIMATELY 14% to 18% of Americans do not have a regular source of care (RSOC), a characteristic that has been associated with decreased access to health services.1-3 Although lack of insurance is associated with not having an RSOC, 2 large studies have suggested that the most common reason for lacking an RSOC may be the belief that it is unnecessary.2,3 One frequently used instrument for assessing health beliefs is the Multidimensional Health Locus of Control (MHLC) scale.4,5 The MHLC measures the extent to which individuals believe that health-related events are under their own control (internal), controlled by physicians and other health professionals (powerful others), or are a matter of fate and luck (chance).4,5 The association between MHLC and use of an RSOC has not been previously assessed.