Bound–bound A 2Σ+–X 2Π transition of NO–Ar van der Waals complexes

The bound–bound excitation spectrum of the NO–Ar van der Waals complex associated with the NO A 2Σ+–X 2Π transition has been measured by the resonance enhanced two‐photon ionization (RE2PI) method using a time‐of‐flight (TOF)mass spectrometer. The van der Waals bands characterized by red‐shaded rotational contours present no regularity in the progression. The photodissociation action spectra obtained by probing the NO A 2Σ+(v’=0, N’=1–8) products have also been measured, and the binding energies (D 0) of the complex in the A 2Σ+ and X 2Π states are determined as 44 and 88 cm−1, respectively. The action spectrum corresponding to the NO A 2Σ+(v’=0, N’=1 and 2) product shows several shape resonance peaks, which implies that the intermolecular potential between NO A 2Σ+ and Ar has a potential barrier of about 24 cm−1.