Thoracodorsal and Caudal Superficial Epigastric Axial Pattern Skin Flaps in Cats

Nonselective angiography, selective angiography, and gross dissection of 15 cadavers were performed to delineate direct cutaneous arteries in the cat. The omocervical, deep circumflex iliac, thoracodorsal, and caudal superficial epigastric arteries were identified by nonselective angiography. Selective angiography and gross dissection allowed assessment of the origin and vascular territories of the thoracodorsal and caudal superficial epigastric arteries. Orthotopic and heterotopic transfers of thoracodorsal and caudal superficial epigastric island flaps were performed on eight cats. All flaps were successful although areas of necrosis at the caudodistal tips were evident in most of the thoracodorsal flaps. The rotated thoracodorsal flaps extended to the carpi. Caudal superficial epigastric flaps enabled coverage to the metatarsus. Seroma formation and partial dehiscence were minor complications.