A Review of Trout Management in Southeast Minnesota Streams

Agricultural development after 1850 in southeast Minnesota degraded instream habitat, and by 1900, the native brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis was extirpated from most streams. By the 1940s, after 60–70 years of stocking, the exotic brown trout Salmo trutta was the most common trout, but abundance was low and limited by lack of reproductive habitat. Soil conservation practices of the 1930s and 1940s and watershed management under Public Law (PL) 566 in the 1950s and 1960s reduced flooding, erosion, and sedimentation and increased infiltration and base flow. By the 1970s, brown trout reproduction was common, but abundance was still low. Fisheries managers of the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources assumed that adult habitat limited abundance, so they improved instream habitat in streams with public access, which increased brown trout abundance in some streams. Experimental management since 1975 has shown that the lack of adult habitat did limit trout abundance. This management regime has al...

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