Carbon Source Dependence and Photostimulation of Conidiation in Hypocrea atroviridis

Hypocrea atroviridis is frequently used as a photomorphogenetic model due to its ability to conidiate upon exposure to light. Light is thereby believed to be the primary trigger for spore formation. In contrast, we show here that conidiation is primarily carbon source dependent and that illumination plays a catalytic role; of a total of 95 tested carbon sources, only a small set of carbohydrates, polyols, and sugar acids allowed conidiation in darkness, and on most of them, conidiation was significantly more strongly expressed in light. In addition, there are also a number of carbon sources on which H. atroviridis conidiates in darkness, but light does not further stimulate the process. Yet on another small set of carbon sources (L-sorbitol, D-fucose, D- and L-arabinose, and erythritol), H. atroviridis shows better sporulation in darkness than in light. No sporulation was observed on organic acids and amino acids. Mutants with deletions in the two blue-light receptor proteins BLR-1 and BLR-2 generally showed weaker conidiation on a smaller number of carbon sources than did the parental strain, yet they clearly sporulated on 15 and 27 of the 95 carbon sources tested, respectively. Of the carbon sources supporting sporulation, only 11 supported the conidiation of both mutants, suggesting that the BLR-1 and BLR-2 receptors are variously involved in the carbon source-dependent regulation of spore formation. The addition of cyclic AMP, which has been reported to lead to conidiation in darkness, both positively and negatively affected sporulation and resulted in different effects in the parental strain and the two Deltablr mutants. Our data show that the carbon source is the prime determinant for conidiation and that it influences the organism's regulation of conidiation by means of BLR-1 and BLR-2 and their cross talk with cyclic AMP.