The performance of the micellar/polymer flood conducted in the Sloss reservoir did not follow predictions by a streamtube model. The model assumed that micellar flood displaces oil and water in a piston-type miscible manner with a final oil saturation of 5% PV, and sulfonate retention based on short-term laboratory adsorption tests. This paper, in conjunction with a complementary paper,1 describes process mechanisms needed to model the flood performance. The results of laboratory studies show higher sulfonate retention caused by ion-exchange effects, which result in partitioning of sulfonate into the oil phase and higher adsorption caused by long contact times. Long-term aging of the Sloss micellar fluid at the high reservoir temperature (93.3°C [200°F]) does not reduce oil recovery. The results of laboratory studies also show that the final oil saturation after micellar flooding is capillary-number dependent. A higher final oil saturation can be the result of reduced injectivity/productivity, increased interfacial tension (IFT), and/or decreased viscosity. This paper demonstrates that ion exchange, hardness, and sulfonate partitioning can significantly affect micellar-flood performance. The paper presents an experimental plan that provides information for optimizing the design of micellar/polymer floods. This plan, when applied to a specific flood, allows an investigator to examine effects of adsorption, ion exchange, hardness, and partitioning on flood performance. Specifically, phase studies and sulfonate requirements must encompass effects of in-situ-generated calcium ions as a result of sodium/calcium ion exchange. Sulfonate itself can increase the calcium content of the fluids because of a calcium/micelle association. High calcium concentrations can increase sulfonate requirements. Sulfonate adsorption requirements for micellar flood design are sensitive to the experimental procedures employed. The paper outlines improved procedures encompassing ion exchange and time effects and demonstrates that a favorable ion-exchange process can be used to reduce adsorption requirements.

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