Prediction of excess free energies of liquid mixtures containing aromatic hydrocarbons using a group solution model

The group solution model of Ratcliff and Chao for the excess free energies of liquid mixtures has been tested and found satisfactory for six mixtures of alcohols and aromatic hydrocarbons. The model was tested by comparing experimental and predicted vapor‐liquid equilibrium data.The assumption that aliphatic and aromatic carbon atoms are equivalent appears satisfactory for the mixtures considered. Group contribution functions were generated from experimental data on ethanol/benzene mixtures at 45°C, and are presented. These functions allow the prediction of excess free energies of mixtures containing alcohols and aromatic hydrocarbons at 45°C. No experimental data is required. Predictions at temperatures close to 45°C, using the same functions, should be satisfactory.The group contribution functions were close to those generated previously from alcohol/alkane data. The latter may be used for predicting excess free energies of alcohol/aromatic hydrocarbon mixtures with little loss of accuracy.