Computerized brain-surface voltage topographic mapping for localization of intracranial spikes from electrocorticography

✓ The purpose of this paper is to describe the use of computerized brain-surface voltage topographic mapping to localize and identify epileptic discharges recorded on electrocorticographic (ECoG) studies in which a subdural grid was used during intracranial video electroencephalographic (IVEEG) monitoring. The authors studied 12 children who underwent surgery for intractable extrahippocampal epilepsy. Cortical surfaces and subdural grid electrodes were photographed during the initial surgery to create an electrode map that could be superimposed onto a picture of the brain surface. Spikes were selected from ictal discharges recorded at the beginning of clinically confirmed seizures and from interictal discharges seen on ECoG studies during IVEEG recording. A computer program was used to calculate the sequential amplitude of the spikes by using squared interpolation, and they were then superimposed onto the electrode map. Interictal discharges and high-amplitude spike complexes at seizure onset were plotted...