Collective and single-particle excitations in liquid neon

The neutron inelastic scattering from orthobaric liquid neon at 26.9 °K has been measured with a triple-axis crystal spectrometer operating in its constant-Q mode. The scattering was measured as a function of frequency ν for 34 values of Q in the range 0.8-12.5 Å1. Corrections for residual multiple scattering and instrumental resolution were applied to the theoretical cross sections before comparing with experiment. In the region of collective behavior, Q4 Å1, the quasielastic peak that is observed is in qualitative agreement with the Kerr - Singwi theory and with the memory-function theory, which is applied to neon in the present work. The observed scattering at constant Q(<1.6Å1) shows a pronounced inelastic wing at values of ν where the memory-function theory predicts a small inelastic peak. No such wing is contained in the Kerr-Singwi theory. The latter theory evidently overestimates the damping of the collective motion while the former underestimates it. The observed scattering in the region Q>4 Å1 is characteristic of single-particle scattering. The peak position follows, but lies somewhat lower than, the recoil frequency Q24πm, where m is the mass of a neon atom, and the width of the scattering function increases approximately linearly with Q. Superimposed on this general behavior are well-defined oscillations characteristic of the coherent nature of the scattering. The single-particle scattering in liquid neon is very similar to that observed in liquid helium. The data in the single-particle region are in reasonable agreement with the Kerr-Singwi model and in even better agreement with a truncated Gram-Charlier expansion. The earlier data of Chen et al. are corrected for the nonlinearity inherent in a time-of-flight experiment and are found to agree with the present results in showing that there are no well-defined propagating excitations in liquid neon for Q>~0.8 Å1.