Modulatory effect of sera from scleroderma patients on lymphocyte‐induced angiogenesis

Sera from 22 patients with progressive systemic sclerosis were tested for the ability to modify the angiogeneic capability of normal human mononuclear cells. The sera from patients with acrosclerosis, including the abortive form (CREST syndrome: calcinosis, Raynaud's phenomenon, esophageal dysmotility, sclerodactyly, telangiectasias), markedly enhanced this capability compared with sera from both healthy donors and patients with severe acrosclerosis and diffuse scleroderma. The enhancing effect of sera from patients with acrosclerosis decreased and/or disappeared in cases where the patient's acrosclerosis was chronic and severe. Thus, this test may be of diagnostic value in distinguishing various subgroups of systemic sclerosis.