Breeding activity of the horseshoe crab,Limulus polyphemus, was quantitatively monitored in Apalachee Bay, Florida, throughout one breeding season. Breeding peaked at times of full and new moon at the hour of high tide. Breeding activity was heavier on night tides than on corresponding day tides of the same date. Males routinely outnumbered females and indications of sperm competition were present. Many horseshoe crabs buried in the intertidal zone throughout the subsequent low tide and returned to the beach to breed again on the following high tide. A tagging study of the horseshoe crab indicated that male animals return to breeding beaches more frequently than females. Most animals tagged at breeding beaches did not move away from the tagging site during a breeding season and were recovered at the point of release. No long-range movements were noted. The sex ratio of animals tagged near breeding beaches was predominately male while it was predominately female for animals collected and tagged 3–6 miles offshore. A nine percent recovery rate was achieved. Existing localized populations are potentially subject to depletion due to heavy collecting pressure on breeding beaches.