The Role of Surgical Treatment for Chronic Pancreatitis

During the last 25 years, 134 patients with chronic pancreatitis were treated surgically in our clinic. According to intraoperative measurement of the pancreatic intraductal pressure, both perfusion pressure and residual pressure in the patients with dilated pancreatic duct were significantly higher than those in control patients. Operative procedures included side-to-side pancreaticojejunostomy in 47 patients, 40%-80% caudal pancreatectomy in 28, pancreaticoduodenectomy in 16, pancreatic sphincteroplasty in 10, and others. The effect of operation on abdominal pain was noted in 97% of the patients. The study of operative effect on abdominal pain and follow-up results showed the excellent maintenance of operative benefit. Surgical treatment, however, could not help improve impaired function of the pancreas. Ten of 34 late deaths were related to the failure of controlling diabetes. Therefore, long-term follow-up care to the pancreatic dysfunction is considered to be necessary even after complete relief of abdominal pain.