Influence of the Molecular Ordering on the Wetting ofSiO2/Air Interfaces by Alkanes

Alkanes from 16 to 50 C atoms show three wetting topologies at SiO2/air interfaces. Below the bulk freezing temperature Tb, small crystallites (frozen droplets which can be annealed into mesas of uniform height) are observed. A monolayer of homeotropically oriented molecules covers the air/substrate interface in between. At Tb, the crystallites melt into droplets. The ordered monolayer remains up to TSSVTb+3°C, probably due to fluctuation-stabilized “surface freezing.” Above TSSV, a liquid alkane film wets the surface. The decoupling of Tb and TSSV, and the difference between the ordered and liquid surface energies, causes the droplet-to-film transition.