Infection and persistence of varicella-zoster virus in lymphoblastoid Raji cell line

Infection of Raji cells by varicella-zoster virus (VZV) resulted in permissive infection with establishment of a persistently infected lymphoblastoid cell line. VZV antigens of the membrane and nuclear type, as detected by the indirect immunofluorescence membrane antigen (IFAMA) and anticomplement immunofluorescence (ACIF) tests, were observed. Minute amounts of infectious virus were detected by co-cultivation of VZV-infected Raji cells (Raji-VZV), with permissive human embryo fibroblasts (HEF). The virus isolated was found to be similar to the parent strain. Transient induction of Epstein-Barr viral capsid antigen (EB-VCA) was also observed. The persistently infected Raji-VZV cell line, when free of EB-VCA, was found suitable for measuring antibodies to varicella-zoster virus. The possible interaction in the infected Raji cells between EBV, which is implicated in human malignancy, and VZV which belongs also to the herpes group of viruses, is discussed.