Pathologic data of prognostic significance for remission induction in advanced ovarian carcinoma

Sixty-eight patients with “advanced ovarian carcinoma” were entered into an ongoing phase-II trial for remission induction with cis-platinum (DDP) 80 mg/m2 i.v. on day 1 followed by forced saline diuresis, melphalan (L-PAM) 12 mg/m2 i.v. on day 2 and hexamethylamine (HMM) 130 mg/m2 p.o. x 14 days from days 8–21 in six monthly cycles following operative resection and/or staging. Fifty-one patients were evaluable for response, ten had not completed six courses and could not be assessed, two patients died early (one probably of toxicity), and five patients refused treatment and follow-up. Thirty-Two patients had serous, endometrioid or undifferentiated carcinomas of the ovary. Of these, 11 (35%) achieved a pathologically proven complete remission (CR), five (16%) were NED after second-look (residual disease in ovary or removed omentum with all other biopsies and cytology washings negative), eight (32%) achieved a partial remission (PR), and three (12%) had progressive disease. None of the seven patients with clear-cell carcinoma and none of the three patients with mixed Mullerian tumor of the ovary responded. Six of nine patients with tumors of uncertain origin or proven metastasis to ovary did not respond to treatment. These preliminary results indicate that advanced ovarian carcinomas form a heterogeneous group of recognizable neoplastic diseases with striking variation in response to treatment.