Relations between plasma membrane and lysosomal membrane

We have quantified, in cultured rat fibroblasts, the association to the lysosomal membrane of two classical plasma membrane markers, 5′‐nucleotidase and alkaline phosphodiesterase I. To isolate highly purified lysosomal preparations, lysosomes were loaded with horseradish peroxidase (2‐h cell uptake, 16‐h chase) and isolated by isopycnic centrifugation in linear Percoll gradients, followed by a 3,3′‐diaminobenzidine‐induced density shift in sucrose gradients. Purified lysosomal preparations contained up to 50% of N‐acetyl‐β‐glucosaminidase of the homogenate. This lysosomal enzyme was enriched 33‐fold in the most purified preparations. In the electron microscope, these preparations appeared to be highly purified and only contained organelles filled with diaminobenzidine reaction products. Analysis of purified preparations indicates that 0.5–0.8% of 5′‐nucleotidase, but as much as 10.9–14.3% of alkaline phosphodiesterase I activities of the homogenate, are associated with lysosomes. After freezing‐thawing, these activities remained essentially membrane‐associated. The larger value obtained for alkaline phosphodiesterase I could not be ascribed to other lysosomal enzymes, as no such activity was detected at acidic pH. These two plasma membrane markers are thus unevenly distributed in the lysosomal compartment.