The Amino‐Acid Sequences of the α‐Crystallin A Chains of Red Kangaroo and Virginia Opossum

The amino acid sequence of the A chain of the eye lens protein α‐srystallin from the red kangaroo (Macropus rufus) was completely determined by manual Edman degradation of tryptic, thermolytic and cyanogen bromide peptides. The sequence of the α‐crystallin A chain from the Virginia opossum (Didelphis marsupialis) was deduced from amino acid analyses and partial Edman degradation of peptides. The 173‐residue A chains of kangaroo and opossum differ in six positions, whereas comparison with the bovine α‐crystallin A chain reveals 17 and 22 substitutions, respectively. Most substitutions occur in the COOH‐terminal part of the chain.