The classical equilibrium statistical mechanics is presented for a one-dimensional system of N identical hard rods and to an interval of length L. An attractive force acts between nearest-neighbor rods and is inversely proportional to their center-of-mass separation. The equation of state is explicitly found in terms of an incomplete Γ function Γ(α,x), and it relates the density ρ to the pressure p, the temperature T=(kBβ)1, the rod lenght a, and the attractive interaction strength σ: ρ=βpΓ(1βσ,βpa)Γ(2βσ,βpa). For βσ>2 the pressure goes continuously to zero along any isotherm as ρ approaches a critical density ρc given by ρca=(βσ2)(βσ1). The compressibility diverges as ρc is approached along the isotherms provided that 2<βσ<3. The form of the divergence is (βσ2)(ρρc)ν where ν=(3βσ)(βσ2).

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