Isothermal and Quiescent He II Film Transfer Rates over Heights to 36 cm

The volume rates of transfer of liquid He II through the film out of and into glass capilalry beakers over heights up to 36 cm have been measured. This has been done at temperatures from 1.3 to 2.0°K under as nearly isothermal and quiescent conditions as possible. Results show that the volume rate of transfer R depends on the barrier height above the source liquid H and the gravitational pressure head ΔH. Unusual effects such as persistence of rates, jumps to other rates, and unstable behavior are discussed. The emptying and filling rates indicate that normalization of the flow to the smallest periphery above the source liquid is not sufficient. The dependence of R on ΔH is a function of temperature, the method of filling the beaker, the volume of liquid in the beaker, and the geometry of the reservoir supplying the film.

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