Image‐directed Doppler ultrasound: A screening technique for patients at high risk to develop deep vein thrombosis

Hip fracture patients typify a population at high risk to develop deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Recently ultrasound has been used successfully to diagnose DVT when clinical suspicion exists. In this prospective study, 88 hip fracture patients asymptomatic for DVT were screened serially with compression ultrasound to assess the development of thrombus within the femoral or popliteal systems. Contrast venography was employed as a control. Twelve of the 76 patients (16%) completing the study were noted by ultrasound to have a clot. Venography confirmed a clot in each case and detected no additional femoral or popliteal clot. The possibility of utilizing ultrasound to screen additional high risk groups for DVT should be investigated based on the encouraging results of this series.