Substance P-immunoreactive nerve fibres in the anterior segment of the rabbit eye

Substance P-immunoreactive nerve terminals were found in several locations in the anterior segment of the rabbit eye. In the iris they occurred in the sphincter muscle and were randomly distributed in the iris stroma with some fibres running close to the dilator muscle. In the ciliary body these immunoreactive elements were few and occurred within bundles of nerve fibres, while in the ciliary processes they were more numerous with a predominantly subepithelial location. Blood vessels in the anterior uvea were often surrounded by substance P-immunoreactive fibres. No substance P-fibres were found in the cornea, while the sclera contained very few such elements. Using conventional in vitro techniques it was found that the sphincter pupillae muscle of the iris responded to electrical stimulation with a contraction that was resistant to cholinergic and adrenergic blockade, but was inhibited by the neuronal blocker tetrodotoxin. This indicates the existence of a non-cholinergic, non-adrenergic neuronal mediator of the contractile response. Exogenously applied substance P produced a long-lasting contraction of the spincter muscle, an observation compatible with the view that substance P is the noncholinergic, non-adrenergic neurotransmitter involved.