Acoustic cues to final stop voicing for impaired- and normal-hearing listeners

Voicing perception for final stops was studied for impaired- and for normal-hearing listeners when cues in naturally spoken syllables were progressively neutralized. The syllables were 10 different utterances of /daep, daek, daet, daeb, daeg, daed/ spoken in random order by a male. The cue modifications consisted progressively of neutralized vowel duration, equalized occlusion duration, burst deletion, murmur deletion, vowel-transition interchange and transition deletion. The impaired subjects had moderate-to-severe losses and showed at least 70% correct voicing for the unmodified syllables. For the voiced stops, vowel-duration adjustment and murmur deletion each resulted in significant reductions in voicing perception for > 1/3 of the impaired listeners; all normals showed good performance following neutralization of these cues. For the voiceless stops, large percentages of both listener groups showed decreased voicing perception due to the burst deletion, though a majority of both groups performed well above chance even after the vowel-duration adjustment and the burst deletion. When the vowel off-going transitions were exchanged between cognate syllables in given pairs, the effect on voicing perception exhibited by many impaired- and all normal-hearing listeners implicated the vowel transitions as an important additional source of cues to final-stop voicing perception.