Magneto-optical interband absorption in diluted magneticPb1xMnxSe

Magneto-optical interband absorption was measured in Pb1x MnxSe (0<x<0.01) in Faraday and Voigt configurations. The observed splitting between right- and left-circularly-polarized light in Faraday configuration is in the same direction as observed with Pb1x MnxTe and opposite to Pb1x EuxSe. This indicates that the exchange interaction between localized magnetic moments and free holes is also ferromagnetic in Pb1x MnxSe. The data are analyzed in the framework of the molecular-field approximation for IV-VI compounds. Estimates for the exchange integrals are given. The exchange energies in Pb1x MnxSe are comparable to those found in Pb1x MnxTe but an order of magnitude larger than in Pb1x EuxSe.