Doppler-Free Stimulated-Emission Spectroscopy and Secondary Frequency Standards Using an Optically Pumped Laser

A new Doppler-free stimulated-emission technique using an optically pumped laser with applications in spectroscopy and optical frequency standards is reported. An argon-laser-pumped cw I2 laser is used to demonstrate the technique as well as measure the complete hyperfine structure of the I2 BOu+XΣg1+ (43,83) P(13) line. Hyperfine coupling strengths obtained for the XΣg1+v=83, J=13 level are eQq=1550.1±0.5 MHz and C=59±5 kHz. In addition, the I2 laser has been actively stabilized to within 1 kHz of the observed line center of an I2 hyperfine component.