Electron-nuclear-double-resonance (ENDOR) studies are reported for the isotope Cr3+53 enriched to 96% in guanidinium aluminum sulfate hexahydrate (GAlSH). The measurements were done at 4.2 °K and X-band microwave frequencies (∼9.4 GHz). The study allowed accurate values of the spin-Hamiltonian hyperfine parameters to be determined and ENDOR patterns to be classified. The sign of the zero-field splitting parameter D was found to be negative, where previously only a positive relative value had been quoted. A linear relationship was found when plotting values of Q vs AB, utilizing data obtained in GAlSH and previous results of RbGa and CsGa alums. The best value of the quadrupole moment of Cr53 was determined to be Q=0.028±0.005 b.