Measurements of the Polarization in Proton-Proton Elastic Scattering from 2.50 to 5.15GeVc

In an experiment at the Argonne Zero-Gradient Synchrotron we have measured values of the polarization parameter P(t) in the elastic scattering of negative pions, positive pions, positive kaons, and protons on protons at several incident laboratory momenta from 2.50 to 5.15 GeVc, and for values of the momentum transfer variable t from 0.2 to 2.0 (GeVc)2. The final results from pp elastic scattering presented here extend our knowledge of the polarization to much larger values of t than the results of previous measurements. Outstanding features revealed by these polarization data include (1) the development of a dip at about t=0.7 (GeVc)2, with (2) a substantial secondary peak at larger values of t and (3) the gradual diminution of the maximum polarization with increasing energy. It is possible to fit the t dependence of the experimental results with a simple model. The energy dependence of the polarized cross sections is also discussed.