de Haas-van Alphen study in the superconducting state of YNi2B2C

In the borocarbide superconductor YNi2 B2C the de Haas-van Alphen (dHvA) oscillations have been observed continuously at the upper critical field Bc2 for the transition from the normal into the superconducting state. In the normal state above Bc2=10.5 T six different frequencies were found in magnetic fields up to 23 T and for Θ=14.4°. The smallest orbit with Fα=511 T is present down to about 4 T, but with an additional attenuation of the dHvA signal in the superconducting state relative to an extrapolation of the standard Lifshitz-Kosevich formula. The observation of magnetoquantum oscillations over such a wide field range and very close to Bc2 enables a detailed discussion of the damping in the context of recent theories of these oscillations in the superconducting state.