Teeth and bone can be sectioned successfully in paraffin with excel-lent histologic and cellular preservation by means of the following technic: fix in 10% formol; wash; decalcify in a reagent consisting of an equal portion of 45% HCOOH and 20% Na3CaH5O7.2H2O; wash; dehydrate in 30%, 50%, and 70% ethyl alc., then in solns. with increasing amts. of n-butyl alc. until 100% is reached; infiltrate with 56-58oC. melting point paraffin and embed. Sectioning is facilitated by wet-ting the block with water-soaked cotton during the cutting. Blocks measuring up to 2 ins. X 1 in. X 3/4 in. section easily but larger blocks must be embedded in celloidin. The technic is described with commentary on the rationale of each step.