In a recent issue of these Transactions, Weiss 1 has given an excellent annotated bibliography on the subject of transportation lag. He was kind enough to refer to a previous bibliography which appeared in this author's thesis (his reference number [Ch 5]). Since the latter is not generally available, the bibliography therein is given here. The items which have already appeared in Weiss' listing have been omitted; items which have appeared since the thesis was written have been included. While most of the items here were found by library searches, acknowledgment must be made to Bellman's 2 bibliographies as a source. If there are items which have not been mentioned either here or in Weiss' paper, the author of the present paper would appreciate being informed about it by either a complete reference or a copy of the paper (or papers) in question. A short introduction on the mathematical characterization of time lag systems is given before the bibliography.

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